Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mission Accomplished

Today is the day.

A little over 5 years ago, I participated my first 5K. Before that, the most I had run was around my parent's neighborhood, which was approximately 1 mile. I remember afterwards watching the people participating in the marathon and trying to imagine how in the world anyone could (or would want to) run 26.2 miles.
Flash forward 2 1/2 years (and a handful of 5Ks later), a crazy notion is born... that i would run a marathon before turning 40 years old. In my original plan, I would have run the Flying Pig in Cincinnatti, which took place last weekend. That was before Sarah and I became invovled with Team in Training.
Today on my 40th birthday, I ran 7.15 miles and have completed 2 marathons (even if one was cut short to 21.25 miles). Here to, at least, another 40 years and hopefully many more marathons to go!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Dream

Last night I had my first marathon dream, or I should say a dream about a marathon.
I was running the Knoxville half-marathon (which I'm planning on running on March 28). For whatever reason that things happen the way they do in dreams, I showed up, what I thought was, late for the race. I starting running and got about 5 miles into the race before I realized that the race hadn't started. I was running through downtown (which isn't even the course of the race) when I passed a clock that was counting down to the start of the race.
Since I knew the chip I was wearing wouldn't register my time, I had to decide whether or not to race back to the start line (5 miles away) or just continue on and know my time wouldn't count.
In the end, I was heading back to the start line when I woke up.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

2010. Hard to believe that another year has come to pass and what a year it was. Back in March, I completed my first 1/2 marathon and in April, completed my first full marathon.

This year is it. The year I turn the big 4-0. Thinking back over the past 10 years it has been quite a change in my life. 10 years ago I had just quit smoking a little over a month prior, and though I might have thought of myself as 'in shape' (mostly because of the smoking keeping my weight down), it certainly wasn't true.

So, this year Sarah and I have started off my running in the local New Years Day 5K. My past couple of 5K times have not been that impressive, mostly because of being lax in my training since June. This morning I tipped the scale at 202 (I was around 185 when I ran in Nashville in April). So I have my work cut out for me for the first part of the year.

On a plus side, I did finish with a gun time of 27:15, which was my best 5K time since February.

So here's to hopefully a great year for all, to a better finish time in March for the Knoxville Half Marathon and in April for Nashville.