Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mission Accomplished

Today is the day.

A little over 5 years ago, I participated my first 5K. Before that, the most I had run was around my parent's neighborhood, which was approximately 1 mile. I remember afterwards watching the people participating in the marathon and trying to imagine how in the world anyone could (or would want to) run 26.2 miles.
Flash forward 2 1/2 years (and a handful of 5Ks later), a crazy notion is born... that i would run a marathon before turning 40 years old. In my original plan, I would have run the Flying Pig in Cincinnatti, which took place last weekend. That was before Sarah and I became invovled with Team in Training.
Today on my 40th birthday, I ran 7.15 miles and have completed 2 marathons (even if one was cut short to 21.25 miles). Here to, at least, another 40 years and hopefully many more marathons to go!!